+49 40 2393 0 info@fms-logistics.com Cruise Control Login Shipment information

Houston | USA, Texas

We are there for you worldwide. Every location and its teams are important to us, so we would like to introduce them to you.

FMS Houston Colleagues
How many employees work at FMS Houston?

We have a total of 7 employees working at the FMS Houston branch which has grown each year since the office opened in 2009.

Are there any staff events at the Houston branch?

Yes, Our annual customer appreciation Party. We usually hold the party in late April / early May, our customers and vendors look forward to it every year. In addition to our annual party we also celebrate every year with a staff Christmas Dinner. We really enjoy the time together outside of the office.

What kind of jobs are there at FMS Houston and what are typical tasks?

We have a variety of jobs in our branch office, from Sales to Operations, domestic trucking and warehousing, to import handling. We handle the day to day operations for all of our customers' needs with a great attention to details and in depth knowledge to help us provide great customer service.

Why is the FMS Houston office a great place to work?

FMS Houston is located just north of Houston, the fourth largest city in the US, and just an hour and half far away from the Port of Houston. The Port of Houston is the busiest port in the United States in terms of foreign tonnage, and second-busiest in the United States in terms of overall tonnage, and thirteenth-busiest in the world.

Nadine Kinscher-Masur

Corporate Head of Marketing de Fr. Meyer's Sohn


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Fr. Meyer's Sohn Acquires Majority Stake in Project Locistics Company Breeze (Germany) GmbH

The Hamburg-based logistics company Fr. Meyer‘ Sohn has acquired the majority of shares in the Hamburg project logistics company BREEZE (Germany) GmbH.

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Fr. Meyer's Sohn acquires Swedish freight forwarder C Land Logistics

Fr. Meyer's Sohn strengthens its network in Northern Europe. The Hamburg-based logistics company has completed the acquisition of the Swedish freight fowarder C Land Logistic.

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Collaboration | Automating Information Extraction in Logistics

Streamlining Information Extraction with GPT-Powered Solution through our partner theBlue.ai GmbH

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