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Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

CSR Key Areas

Fr. Meyer’s Sohn is one of the world's leading international forwarders. Our tradition, our quality and our worldwide network obligate us to assume responsibility in regards to our stakeholders in order to sustainably grow and to contribute to a better world.
Fr. Meyer’s Sohn Corporate Social Responsibility Policy is rooted in our company values, guided by international standards and best practices, and driven by our aspiration for excellence in the overall performance of our business.

Therefore, we have defined four key areas for our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy at Fr. Meyer’s Sohn.


Responsibility for our people

People and Culture Management and Human Rights

As part of the business community, Fr. Meyer’s Sohn has a responsibility to respect human rights, labor standards and fair business practices providing a better environment for business.

  • Forced, bonded or indentured labor or involuntary prison labor is not tolerated. All work is voluntary, and workers shall be free to leave upon reasonable notice.
  • Child labor1 is not tolerated.
  • We respect the rights of workers to associate freely in accordance with local laws.
  • Compensation paid to workers shall comply with all applicable wage and working hours laws.
  • We support employees with training and development opportunities to help them reach their potential.
  • We provide a work environment free of discrimination and harassment.
  • There is to be no harsh and inhumane treatment.
  • We value and appreciate our employees’ diversity. We are convinced that mixed teams and diverse workforce are crucial to securing long-term success.
  • We treat all employees with dignity and respect.

Occupational Health and Safety

  • The first priority in terms of our responsibilities for our employees is the prevention of health and safety risks.
  • We focus on physical and mental well-being.
  • We continuously work to improve our approach in matters of health and safety.

Responsibility for our customers and partners

Business Ethics

Integrity shapes how Fr. Meyer’s Sohn deals with shareholders, business partners and the general public. This fundamental statement is the basis for our Code of Conduct Guidelines. These Guidelines are binding for all employees and form an integral part of each individual employment agreement.
They define how to perceive the ethical and legal responsibility as a company and also contain specific requirements for instance for

  • complying with competition law and anticorruption laws,
  • handling donations,
  • avoiding conflicts of interests when carrying out the work,
  • complying with the prohibition of insider trading,
  • protecting company assets, and
  • data and information management.

The Code of Conduct Guidelines are regularly reviewed and updated – when deemed necessary – by the Compliance Officer.

Supply Chain Management Partners

CSR aspects are part of our everyday supply chain management. We expect our suppliers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. We adequately monitor suppliers’ CSR performance within our sphere of influence and expect from our partners to comply with human rights, wage and working hours laws and to improve sustainability across our supply base.

Responsibility for our environment

We will ensure delivery of sustainability objectives by

  • Promoting environmental benefits through reduced energy and water consumption and implementation of waste reduction programs.
  • With our solutions, we enable sustainable and energy-efficient services and applications, and thus contribute to meet the challenges of our global society such as climate protection and resources consumption.
  • We will seek to reduce unnecessary travel and encourage the use of alternative means of communication where practicable.
  • We continuously work to further increase our ecological net benefit with our services and solutions on the one hand, and with our efficient processes on the other hand.
  • We promote the support of our objectives and targets in environmental protection, safety and health as well as energy management as to our employees.

Responsibility for our society

Corporate Citizenship
Fr. Meyer’s Sohn recognizes its responsibility to be a good citizen for the societies which we directly interact with.
As a global company, we firmly believe that the trust, credibility, and goodwill that we have built in our communities help creating a positive social, working, and business environment.
Our principal global citizenship efforts are focused in three primary areas which are described in our Corporate Citizenship and Sponsoring Rule:

  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Education for Future Generations
  • Local Social Needs

Employees are free to make suggestions on this topic on the basis of the Corporate Citizenship and Sponsoring Rule mentioned above.

Our reputation

is decisive for our collective success.
This policy is therefore binding for the management, executives, and employees of FMS in the day-to-day business.

According to the United Nations Global Compact Initiative we voluntary address our commitment to communicate our policies and expectations to suppliers and partners as an integral part of our CSR understanding.

Our principles

We expect our stakeholders to support the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact Initiative.

Human Rights
Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.

Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor;
Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labor; and
Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.

Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

More about the Nations Global Compact Principles


Following these principles
we believe to contribute
to a better world.

1 The term “child” refers to any person under the age of 15. Exceptions apply to employment relationships in developing-countries operating under the International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention 138 (minimum lowered to 14) or to governmental authorized job trainings or apprenticeship programs that would clearly benefit the persons participating.

Nadine Kinscher-Masur

Corporate Head of Marketing at Fr. Meyer's Sohn


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